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QMplus July Upgrade – New Features List

18 June 2015 Posted in: Announcements, News Tagged: , , By: Alysa Bramble

Between Monday 20th and Wednesday 22nd July, QMplus will be upgraded to a newer verison. As part of the upgrade, we will be releasing new functionality and features.


Here are some of the items that users can expect with this release. Please also refer to our ‘Post Upgrade – August Release‘ page for known issues and outstanding items.

Design and Build Features

  1. New Text Editor – The Tiny MCE text editor will be updated (to Atto) and will have a new look and feel. Text will be automatically saved as you type, keeping your content secure before you publish it. More mathematical functions will be available.
  2. Forum improvement – subscribe to individual forum discussions and get email copies of just the replies you want. Better navigation through threads. Reply to forum posts by email, and include attachments.
  3. New Grid View – A new course format that hides all topic areas and creates a grid of icons with titles. You can click on the icons to bring up content in a light box display. (sample images of the grid format)
  4. New ‘+’ and ‘-’ to add/remove topics – no need to go to the ‘Edit Settings’ to add or remove topics from your page.
  5. Improvement to the My QMplus block from QMplus homepage – this block is being modified to display the courses in the order you want (based on changes made on the My QMplus Module Overview page).
  6. Improvements to Topic 0easily add content (such as assessment information) to the top section of the page.
  7. Visibility and alert of hidden courses for students – enabling students to see whether a course area has not yet been made available to them. Students will not be able to access the course area if it has been hidden, but will see a message directing them to contact their teachers or course administrators instead of raising a ticket on helpdesk. Available from the My QMplus module overview page.
  8. Mass Action Plugin (postponed to the August release) – allows the mass deletion, indentation, hiding and showing of activities and resources within sections on a particular QMplus course


Assessment and Feedback Features

  1. Grade area enhancement – Single view allows a course teacher to view either all the grades of one single student or a single grade item for all students. The Grade history report allows teachers to select specific students, grade items and/or graders and view the grading history for certain dates.
  2. Quiz area enhancement – The Edit quiz page has been rewritten for improved accessibility, making it much easier to add and manage questions. You can also set completion conditions based on a passing grade or when all available attempts have been used up.
  3. Upgrade all old 2.2 assignments to the latest version – old 2.2 assignments will be upgraded to the 2.8 version. ( This work already complete prior to upgrade)
  4. Option for adding an additional file for use in the assignment (e.g and answer template or instrucitons)
  5. In-Line Editor – for online text assignments
  6. Allow grades to be viewed but not changed
  7. Control over which grade receives notifications
  8. Customise who receives notifications about submissions.

New Activities/Plugins – (unconfirmed, currently being tested)

  1. Progress Bar Plugin – a time-management tool for students. It visually shows what activities/resources a student is supposed to interact with in a course.
  2. Checklist Plugin – allows teachers to create task lists for students to complete based upon either existing resources or manually created items
  3. Mass Action Plugin (August Release) – allows the mass deletion, indentation, hiding and showing of activities and resources within sections on a particular QMplus course
  4. New Talis Aspire Plugin – enables a teacher to include a selection of resources from associated Talis Aspire resource lists directly within the content of their course.
  5. Possible Evasys plugin integration in QMplus (Testing in progress, Potential August release)
    The Evasys plugin will enable users to generate surveys, capture feedback & analyse the responses.
  6. Explore Office 365 plugin integration in QMplus (unconfirmed)
    The Office 365 plugin  will provide Moodle integration with: Word Online, One Drive for Business and the Outlook calendar. The plugin provides a single sign on experience with Office 365.

Administrator Enhancement

  1. Improvement to Associate Student enrolment (unconfirmed)
    This item of work will allow associate students to be automatically enrolled, but also allow administrators to control what version of the module they access, should there be a separate course area for different students.
  2. Rollover Enhancements for QMplus administrators, to include:
  • Administrators will be able to see the enrolment details that are held in the enrolment mapper, enabling them to determine whether they would like to keep these mappings when they rollover the course.
  • Bulk enrolment will be made possible, enabling administrators to perform the same rollover tasks in several course areas at once.
  • Rollover information will be made available in the rollover block, alerting staff to when the course was last rolled over.


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